Each year, November 27th brings big discounts, heavy spending and persuasive marketing across most of Western culture. And while the noise of Black Friday seems to intensify each year, something else is growing in the background…
This year, we’re joining a host of other brands in Green Friday. The ethos replaces careless consumerism with more conscious consumption. It’s about sharing and investing in things that are meaningful, fulfilling, and worthwhile. And for BOL, it’s always been about people and planet. We recently became a certified B Corp and have made a corporate commitment to being a business that is a force for good. Read more about it here.
We all know there’s no planet B, which is why drastic action is needed (from businesses and individuals alike) to combat the effects of climate change. The United Nations have stated that eating more plants is the single biggest action we can be taking to benefit the planet. Following closely, is planting more trees…
"Deforestation and desertification – caused by human activities and climate change – pose major challenges to sustainable development and have affected the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. Forests are vitally important for sustaining life on Earth, and play a major role in the fight against climate change. And investing in land restoration is critical for improving livelihoods, reducing vulnerabilities, and reducing risks for the economy." The United Nations.
Back in 2019, we launched the BOL Forest to offset the personal and professional carbon footprints of our Team – planting a mix of oak, birch, sycamore, cherry, alder and willow, across 40,000 acres of land. The site is about 6 miles northwest of York, very close to the Castle Howard Estate and the Howardian Hills, and is planned to stand for at least 100 years. As the BOL Team grows, so will our Forest.
In 2020, we planted around 300 trees, offsetting 305.5 tonnes of CO2. This year, we aim to have planted a further 500 trees to offset a total of 517 tonnes. We want to use (formerly) Black Friday to help us reach, and surpass this goal…
We’re going Green this Black Friday - and we want you to join us. We’ve decided to donate all profits made over the weekend to our Forest. With every power soup and power shake you purchase on bolfoods.com you’ll help to power the planet. So head over to our site and deliver-a-BOL today.

You can also use the WWF personal carbon footprint calculator to reflect on your own impact here and explore small changes for greener living https://footprint.wwf.org.uk/#/results/
Eat Plants, Love Life, Plant Trees.
Team BOL x
Team BOL x