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It’s time to say goodbye to our Salad Jars and Dinner Boxes

It’s time to say goodbye to our Salad Jars and Dinner Boxes

Sometimes you have to let the ones you love go. And when we say love, we truly mean love. (For reference, Toby, our Operations whizz has a salad jar for his elevenses every day of the working week). Both ranges were created with vision, love, and that classic BOL creativity. And we couldn’t be prouder of how they turned out. But it’s time to say goodbye in search of new innovation, and continue uncovering the best plant-based tastes Mother Nature has to offer.

To honour them, here’s a look at some of their best bits:

You’ve been shaking our Salad Jars since 2016. And if you added all the veg together (which our finance team kindly have) it would total 5.5 million portions. That’s a lot of plants. Our personal highlight was fuelling London Fashion Week behind the scenes.

Dinner Boxes: our saving grace for fussy friends, lazy chefs and vegetable sceptics. Pure deliciousness. (And no washing up). These hit the shelves in 2019, and by 2020, our Cauliflower Tikka had won a great taste award, making it an official dinner winner. 

Worried you'll miss them too much? Swap your refreshing lunchtime Salad Jar for our 'eat cold' Mediterranean Pesto Pasta. Or try trading your Dinner Box with one of our One Pot Meals: equally easy, just as delicious.
Eat Plants, Love Life.
Team BOL x